How long are guinea pigs pregnant? Guinea Pigs Gestation Period

Who doesn’t love that cute fur of Guinea pigs? Aren’t they interesting little animals? Guinea pigs have an exceptionally prolonged gestation time as compared to many other small mammals. The long stay in the womb equips them with the necessary skills to navigate this world from day one.

Are you curious about their extended pregnancy duration and why is their pregnancy so special?

In this post, we are going to look at how guinea pig pregnancies work, including all of those stages and how they help these creatures master the art of living in this world. So hold on tight as we take you through the magic behind being pregnant with a Guinea pig! (Check other animals gestation period)

Guinea Pig Species and Their Gestation Period

Guinea pig is a term commonly used for Cavia porcellus, which is the only true guinea pig species. This picture is of the pet guinea pig in your mind.

Nevertheless, there are 14 different species under the genus Cavia. Those are not domesticated wild relatives commonly referred to as guinea pigs. Here is the name of some of the sub-species:

Guinea Pig Species Gestation Period (Average)
Domestic Guinea Pig 59-72 days
Peruvian Guinea Pig 59-72 days
Abyssinian Guinea Pig 59-72 days
Silkie Guinea Pig 59-72 days
American Guinea Pig 59-72 days
Texel Guinea Pig 59-72 days
Skinny Guinea Pig 59-72 days
Coronet Guinea Pig 59-72 days
Teddy Guinea Pig 59-72 days
Rex Guinea Pig 59-72 days

How Do I Know If My Guinea Pig is Pregnant?

It is not always easy to know if your guinea pig is pregnant during the initial stage because physical changes may not be very obvious. Nevertheless, there are some indicators that you can pay attention to as the pregnancy advances:

Increased Weight

A pregnant guinea pig usually tends to gain weight as the pregnancy progresses. It is vital, however, not to rely on weight alone as an indicator since guinea pigs naturally tend to put on pounds over time.

Stomach Enlargement

As implantation progresses, you may observe a slow growth in a guinea pig’s stomach. However, this development becomes more apparent later in pregnancy.

Mammary Gland Expansion

The mammary glands of a pregnant Guinea Pig get bigger and more visible when they prepare themselves for producing milk that will feed their babies after parturition.

Changes in Behavior

Some guinea pigs show different behaviors during pregnancy such as increased aggression or loss of appetite. Conversely, it should be noted that these transformations can also be due to other causes; thus one should take them into account along with physical symptoms.

guinea pigs gestation period

At What Age Can a Guinea Pig Get Pregnant?

Female guinea pigs, known as sows, can become pregnant at a surprisingly early age of 4-8 weeks. This necessitates the separation of males (boars) and females when they are still young if one does not want to breed them.

However, this has some important health considerations. They may come into sexual maturity quite young but it is usually best to wait until a female is at least 4-6 months old before breeding her for the first time. Their bodies should have matured fully by then and thus reduce the likelihood of birthing problems occurring.

Also Read - Rat gestation period and details on Rat's Pregnancy. 

Complications or Concerns With Pregnancy in Guinea Pigs

However, as with guinea pigs’ pregnancies being usually uncomplicated, there may be a few issues that you should watch for:


Dystocia is a term used to describe the difficulties that arise during childbirth. Call your veterinarian immediately if you observe excessively long contractions, no progress in labor or signs of distress in the pregnant guinea pig.

Vitamin C Deficiency

The diet of guinea pigs including the pregnant ones must contain enough vitamin C. Pregnancy complications like stillbirth and weak offspring will result from insufficient intake of vitamin C.

Make sure that the diet of a pregnant guinea pig includes foods rich in vitamin C or consider providing supplements under veterinary guidance.

Abandonment or Aggression

Sometimes, aggressive behaviors towards their young ones can be shown by expectant guinea pigs. In case this happens, it is important to provide immediate care to the newborns or consult a veterinary for advice.

Pregnant Guinea Pig Signs of Labor

Once the time is near, there are a number of signs that you can notice revealing that your guinea pig is coming close to parturition.

Nesting Behaviour

A nest made up of available bedding materials will be created by the pregnant sow. Hay may also be gathered and paper torn by them to prepare a comfortable birthing environment.


This could mean that labor is about to start if the mother-to-be seems restless and keeps moving over her nesting area periodically.


During delivery, some guinea pigs make noises like purring or low whining sounds.

How Do I Care for a Pregnant Guinea Pig?

It is necessary to make adjustments in the life of a pregnant guinea pig in order to have a smooth and healthy process for both mother and baby. The food she eats should be changed: provide as much grass as possible, regular pellets and more vegetables with high levels of vitamin C such as bell peppers.

You might think about giving her a daily dose of vitamin C since her needs double during pregnancy according to your vet’s advice. Add some alfalfa hay into her ration so that he can get enough calcium for growing bones even though it should not be in excess since it may cause obesity.

Making use of a large cage, and keeping quiet surroundings around her promotes less stress and comfort in terms of movement especially when she gets fat. Well, you could have a temporary enclosure that would be bigger than usual. So as to avoid foul ammonia smell from the environment, keep the cages clean always. Arrange an appointment with your fancy animal practitioner early on just after confirming that she is pregnant so that you can know how to take care of her from this point on hence ensuring her wellness.

Ultimately, separate all males from being able to mate again because they should handle their guinea pigs tenderly besides avoiding too much touching as nearer brings forth babies. If you consider these adjustments together with having a cozy birthing box filled up with soft bedding materials then you will create an atmosphere that supports your expectant guinea pig other than anxieties associated with labor pains

How to Tell When a Guinea Pig is Ready to Give Birth?

It is difficult to tell when a guinea pig would give birth because they display only a few indications. Unlike other animals, they do not construct homes or get anxious at all. Furthermore, the actual birthing process is pretty rapid and can be done within half an hour.

Still, there are some things to look out for:

Gestation Timeline: The most accurate one is the gestation period which normally lasts from 55-75 days. Keep an eye out for your guinea pig’s due date (within about a week or so) as you may need to expect babies’ arrival soon.

Subtle Behavioral Shifts: While this alone does not prove anything, some sows may become more reclusive and find quiet corners before the time comes for them to give birth. Moreover, their overall calmness might be evident that they still eat well and drink normally.

Keep in mind though that these subtle hints might not occur with all guinea pigs at any given time. The best thing you can do is wait for the birthing window based on how long pregnancy lasts then keep your eyes on your sow during this whole period.

What age should the baby leave their mum?

Despite the fact that baby guinea pigs (pups) can start nibbling on solids at 3 weeks, early separation is detrimental to their social development. They depend totally on their moms for more than just feeding.

pregnant guinea pig

Hence, it’s better to separate males from females at 3-4 weeks of age in order to prevent them from maturing rapidly and unwanted breeding. For females (sows), it is good if they can stay a little longer until they reach an ideal weight of around 10.5 ounces (300 grams) by the end of week six or the beginning of week seven.

This will ensure that they are weaned off completely and taught by their mother before they start living independently elsewhere. Anyhow, leaving pups unseparated for not less than four to six weeks would be better for these young animals’ own sake in the long run.

Also Check - Pig Gestation Information & How Long are Pig Pregnant

How many times can a guinea pig get pregnant?

It is important that responsible breeding practices be exercised in case a healthy female guinea pig can become pregnant several times over her life of between five and eight years. Constant pregnancies are bad for the health of these animals, thus much recovery time is essential.

In order to avert any developmental problems or giving birth difficulties, veterinarians recommend against breeding females aged below three months and those above seven or eight months. However, if you do not want them to breed, neutering is the best solution for this because it will prevent unwanted babies as well as take care of your pet’s health situation.

Therefore the number of pregnancies is not capped although considering the welfare of your pet becomes vital and thus you should check with your vet on how to look after them properly.


What are some signals my guinea pig may be near childbirth?

The most accurate sign is the time to delivery. If you know that your guinea pig will give birth in a week or so, be on the lookout for any other signs. Some sows can become more reserved or calmer; however, these are subtle changes.

How long does it usually take for a guinea pig to give birth?

The actual birthing process itself usually takes just ten to thirty minutes.

How do I care for a pregnant guinea pig?

Feed her nutritious meals having extra food, vegetables and Vitamin C. Make sure the cage where she sleeps is clean enough and with enough space inside it. Visit your vet for confirmation of pregnancy and advice on what to do next.

Do guinea pigs need a birthing box?

It is always recommended that you offer them a warm area with soft bedding like hay or shredded paper in one of the corners of their cages.

What should I do after my guinea pig gives birth?

Remain watchful over her and her young ones ensuring everyone is doing well and nursing is taking place. Continue feeding the mother well with good food including water that is frequently changed.


In order to take care of guinea pigs well, it is necessary to understand their process of reproduction. Guinea pig’s gestation period is between 59 and 72 days with individual variations.

Preventing the females from mixing with males, ensuring proper dieting and constant overseeing during delivery are some of the ways through which one can take caution of a pregnant guinea pig’s health and that of her young.

For these lovable pets’ well-being in the future, responsible breeding involves considering age for maturity and general health implications.